Based on the results of the analysis of the method above, it is found that the cost of the structural work required to complete the work on the Mangata Building construction project is Rp. The method used in the discussion of construction management is in the form of a management system for cost, quality, time, human resources and occupational health safety in structural work which includes foundations, beams, columns and floor plates. Therefore, the authors plan an excellent project construction management system in an effort to accelerate the construction of the Mangata building which is the title of this final project. Therefore, to realize the construction of the Mangata Building, proper construction management planning is required, so that results are in accordance with the requirements. This means that the application of occupational safety and health is very decisive in improving employees ' performance on the PLTMG Sumbawa construction project.The author carried out a construction management plan for the Mangata building which had previously been carried out by structural planning and drawing plans by (Muhammad Oki Try Hatmojo and Maulidya Anau Wiyah), Final Project for students of Pontianak State Polytechnic Diploma IV Civil Engineering Department 2019. In this research the results of positive value which means the higher the implementation of occupational safety and health, the higher the performance of the construction project. The results showed that simultaneously the application of Occupational safety and Health (K3) to the performance of the affected construction project is 3.9% and is seen from the significance value of 0.013 T table then Ha accepted and Ho rejected.

The sample determination in this study amounted to 158 people using the Cluster Sumpling.

Wijaya Karya on the PLTMG Sumbawa construction project amounting to 289 people. The method of data analysis used is a simple regression and correlation of product moment.

Data collection method is done by questionnaire, documentation. The method used in this research is this type of quantitative study. The theory used in this research is the implementation theory of the Occupational Safety and Health Management System (SMK3), which relates to occupational safety and Health (K3), work environment and performance. Occupational Safety and Health (K3) is a program made by workers and companies as an effort to prevent accidents caused by work and illness by recognizing the potential of accidents and diseases Due to work and anticipatory action in the event of an accident and illness due to work in this research implementation of occupational safety and Health on the PLTMG Sumbawa project is still not as maximal as the problem of personal protective equipment is still not Used as appropriate. Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3), Regresi Sederhana Abstract